Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The GTD Model...

"Collect that stuff, then within 24-48 hours everything should be zeroed out!" says author David Allen. This is GTD... getting things done!
There are 2 components to GTD - that mainly focus on freeing you to move ahead by getting all of the stuff that takes over your attention, out of your mind. You accomplish that by gaining control and perspective. Each of these two aspects have a different set of operating principles. Here are the five stages of how to get control:
  • capture all of the stuff that has in essence captured you... and your attention,
  • then clarify them,
  • organize them,
  • back off and keep looking at them,
  • then make choices about what to do about them.
He says there are six horizons to gaining perspective. I guess I will have to read David Allen's first book, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity to find out what they are. This video is a great introduction:

You can pre-order David Allen's new book, to be released December 30, 2008: Making it all Work, Winning at the Game and Business of Life. Check out the upcoming GTD Global Summit March 11-13, 2009 and the GTD blog.

I'm using Evernote to easily capture that information in any environment using whatever device or platform that's most convenient to make the information accessible and searchable at any time, from anywhere.

Create a Right-Brain File and see what your mind comes up with when it’s not thinking.

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