Thursday, November 20, 2008

Howard Rheingold's Latest Work...

I have been an educational design consultant for more than a decade, working for Marquette University starting in 1997, designing distance learning applications for the Colleges of Nursing and of Education. It was while simultaneously studying for a Masters Degree in Education that I discovered the works of Howard Gardner and quickly came to realize that the multi-media computer provides the means to speak to students in whatever manner their particular learning style prefers.

More recently the dawn of social media has added another layer of opportunity to the design mix. I continue to explore and research the ongoing development of social media, educational design theory and the creation of an interactive learning interface. One of the early pioneers in the study and application of social media is author Howard Rheingold.

On Monday, October 06, 2008 Howard Rheingold and Sam Rose launched a new project...

"The Social Media Classroom is a set of free and open source social media—forums, wikis, blogs, chat, social bookmarking, micro-blogging, social video, and other media — together with curricular materials, resource repositories and an online community of practitioners. The set of social media itself, without the accompanying pedagogical resources, is also referred to as the Social Media Collaboratory (or, the Colab for short). It was initially created by Howard Rheingold and Sam Rose, together with a team of developers and educators, supported by an award from the MacArthur Foundation and HASTAC. Ongoing development, maintenance, and support is to be provided by a community of SMC users."

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