Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What is the Whuffie Factor?

Author Tara Hunt says: “Stop! Money isn’t the capital of choice in online communities, it is Whuffie - social capital – and how to raise it is the heart of this book.”
In the Web 2.0 world, market capital flows from having high social capital. Without Whuffie you lose your connections and any recommendation you make will be seen as spam, met with negative reactions and a loss of social capital.
Jeffio explains whuffie...
"I believe the term was originally coined in the sci-fi novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (2003) by Canadian author Cory Doctorow. In this story, Whuffie is a “reputation-based” currency that replaces money, is constantly being updated and is instantly viewable to anyone at any time."
Tara Hunt who tweets as Missrogue presented the following slides as part of her Fuel conference presentation on Whuffie, in London a few days ago...

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