Friday, June 6, 2008

Webware's Guide to FriendFeed...

I have been consolidating my footprint(s), handprint(s) in order to seek out greater authenticity. So much hype in Facebook coming from the schemes and dreams of getting rich on auto-pilot... enough already!

Richard Laermer sums it up in 7 Ways to Act More Social, "Friendship has now gone the dinosaur route."

is a powerful service you can use to follow all the public online activity of your friends. It takes all your friends' activity on Twitter, Digg,, Flickr, YouTube, and 30 other sites and creates one giant uber-feed that you can display in one place. Furthermore, people can comment on what their friends are doing, and you can read those comments, so the service acts as a good way to discover the things your social network thinks is important." - Webware: Newbie's Guide: FriendFeed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, another great post. I will check out tweets like me. I still am wondering if twitter would be an excellent tool to have rolling on a website almost like a chat for the users of your site with similar interest.For further information visit: