Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Worth Tracking...

"In all of the excitement around Crossing The Chasm, Unleashing Your IdeaVirus, Tipping, Blinking, Cluetraining, Groundswelling, Long-Tailing, or what-have-you, a fundamental truth is often forgotten: We're in the business of making a case, persuading an audience, and articulating a point of view." - Phil Gomes, VP with Edelman Digital and senior advisor to the Society for New Communications Research. His blog not only discusses PR and media matters, but Phil's everyday observations about a variety of topics. Phil currently resides in Chicago, IL.

Shel Israel writes, speaks and does video reporting for FastCompany on social media's impact on business and culture. He co-authors, with Robert Scoble, of "Naked Conversations--how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers," and serves as a senior advisor to several promising social media start ups. He's a senior advisor to both the Society for New Media Research and the Social Media Club and serves on the board of directors for YourTrumanShow a video blogging site. Follow him at Global Neighbourhoods Social Media's impact on business & culture.

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