Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Share and study slideshows...

While researching The Psychology of Facebook, an edited volume being created by BJ Fogg, Ph.D., and his colleagues at the Persuasive Technology Lab of Stanford University, I found participants posting a slideshow on slideshare.net.- another info-goldmine worth exploring.

BJ Fogg describes himself as, "...an experimental psychologist who explores how we can use computing technology to change people behaviors and attitudes, an area I call captology. In industry, I lead innovation projects, speak, and facilitate. I also help teams innovate. But I'm mostly known for my work at Stanford. I'm motivated by working with good people to make the world better. Seriously."

The word captology is derived from the first four initials of the words, Computers As Persuasive Technologies. Sam S. Adkins explains why he and other learning professionals are Captivated by Captology.

BJ Fogg says, "A new form of persuasion emerged in 2007: I call it 'mass interpersonal persuasion' (MIP). This phenomenon brings together the power of interpersonal persuasion with the reach of mass media. I believe this new way to change attitudes and behavior is the most significant advance in persuasion since radio was invented in the 1890s."

Learn more about MIP in this white paper by BJ Fogg - Mass Interpersonal Persuasion: An Early View of a New Phenomenon.

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