Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sharing Advice from the Experts...

Internet Marketing guru, Matt Bacak says here's how to, "Slap Google like a RAG doll with one article :-)" - read his blog for a complete set of details on the following 9 steps:

STEP 1: Write an article.
STEP 2: Submit your article
STEP 3: Rework Your article into a press release and then submit.
STEP 4: Rework Your article into a video.
STEP 5: Submit video.
STEP 6: Turn your audio into a podcast.
STEP 7: Create a blog entry.
STEP 8: Create a Squidoo Lens.
STEP 9: Bookmark your video links.

"What's a Squidoo Lens?" you might ask.
At you can create a topical Lens on anything that matters to you. It's a single web page that can point to blogs, favorite links, RSS feeds, Flickr photos, Google maps, your eBay auctions, CafePress designs, Amazon books, music... and your Web site. Squidoo says, "Build one lens, build a hundred. It's fast, fun, and free." Plus, they pay generous royalties
from ads and affiliate links to you and/or to charities.
  1. Squidoo currently has more than 450,000 hand built pages.
  2. Squidoo has been reviewed by the New York Times, Mashable, BoingBoing and sites and papers around the world.
  3. They are one of the 300 most popular websites in the US.
  4. They generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual royalties to charities and to Squidoo authors - 5% goes to charity, 45% to themselves, the remaining 50% goes to charity or to you, the author (your choice).

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